Redhill & East Grinstead Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Redhill & East Grinstead
Methodist  Circuit
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Located on Reigate High Street, Reigate Methodist Church has a commanding position to be a beacon of hope within their community. We are becoming known as a warm, inclusive and caring community of all ages, in which people from across the spectrum of Christian experience and theological views are enabled to grow in their relationship with God and with each other.

Our Worship on Sunday's runs from 10.30 am to about 11.30 am, we sing a mix of traditional hymns and more modern worship songs, accompanied by our fine pipe organ or our music group and with words projected on large screens. There is usually an interactive children's talk at the beginning of the service, before the children and young people go to their own groups.

In addition to regular Sunday worship, our community centre, run by friendly volunteers is open throughout the week for a whole range of activities. Please do check out our website for more information.


For Church and Community Centre Bookings, please contact Jane:
Tel: 07999525893 or Email:

Our Church is available for baptisms, funerals and weddings of any two people. If you'd like to know more, please speak to our minister: Rev. Elisabeth Brooks: 01737 380261

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Registered Charity no. 1133918

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Redhill & East Grinstead Methodist Circuit
© 2025 – Redhill & East Grinstead Methodist Circuit