Redhill & East Grinstead Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Redhill & East Grinstead
Methodist  Circuit
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Trinity Methodist Church is located on the Northern edge of East Grinstead. Our friendly Church family come from a variety of church backgrounds and our life together benefits greatly. We therefore have strong relationships with other churches in the town and are proud members of Churches Together in East Grinstead.

We have two services most Sundays, so there's something for everyone at Trinity. The 9am service is more traditional with hymns led on the organ. The 10.45am service has a more contemporary feel with songs led by our church band and groups for children and young people. About once a month both congregations come together at 10am for a united worship service.

Throughout the week there are other opportunities to get together too. Home groups meet to encourage those that attend in their own walk with Christ, various activity groups meet and of course our 'welcome café' is open 10am – 3pm every weekday in termtime. Check out our website to learn more.


To book a room at the church, please contact the bookings secretary:
phone: 01342 302862 or email:

Our Church is available for baptisms, funerals and weddings. If you'd like to know more, please speak to our minister: Rev. Ben Scrivens: 01342 313419.

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Registered Charity no. 1133918

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Redhill & East Grinstead Methodist Circuit
© 2025 – Redhill & East Grinstead Methodist Circuit